Sustaınable Meta Class Model ın Educatıonal Processes


About Project

The aim within the scope of this project is to implement an exemplary classroom model that brings together various technological elements, educational methods, and supportive applications for maintaining ecological balance, in accordance with sustainable development goals. The goal is to establish the methodology of this model by putting it into practice. Particularly, it aims to prevent disadvantaged groups (individuals with special needs who cannot access physical classroom environments due to work, health, location, or economic reasons) from being deprived of educational services, create an inclusive educational environment for all individuals, and enhance the quality of educational processes through various digital tools and different approaches. Additionally, the project aims to develop an environment model where the physical and digital elements, respectful of ecological balance, are blended, ensuring a more sustainable structure.

This research was supported by the Research Universities Support Program of Dokuz Eylul University with the "SBA-2023-3045" project number.